Stefan Grafe, TrustLogic and mext consulting
Stefan Grafe
TrustLogic and mext consulting

Having studied design in Germany and fine arts in France, Stefan is a creative at heart and has been recognised in leading creative and effectiveness award shows like The New York Festivals and the New York Type Director's Club. During his career, he created highly effective global campaigns for the likes of Heineken, HSBC, and Deutsche Bank, and shot TV commercials all over the world, including the Malaysian jungle, dropping jeeps into ravines, and in the Australian desert with helicopters whirring around.

His career spans roles as Creative and Strategy Director and Head of Management Consulting for the Bates (Y&R) and BBDO Groups across Europe, Asia, and Australia. Twenty years ago, he developed TrustLogic® with Professor Salber and his long-term mentee, Barbara Grohsgart, and founded Mext Consulting to help clients focus on their key growth driver. Since then, Stefan and his global team have pushed the science and application of trust and had the opportunity to help clients in over 40 countries to build more trust for the mutual benefit of their audience, their organisations, and themselves. A small effort that regularly achieves category-breaking results.